LSFM-USA is a non-profit charitable organization registered under the IRS as 501c3 corporation.
LSFM-USA was incorporated in Virginia, USA in 2006.
LSFM-USA is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, more specifically to support the work of Living Spring Faith Ministries internationally in the areas of church planting, community development and education.
The origins of Living Spring Faith Ministries began in South Africa in 2002, when a Xhosa man from Mfuleni township, outside of Cape Town asked a local missions base [YWAM Muizenberg] to start a house church in Green Park Township.
At that time Green Park had 80% unemployment, no permanent houses, no electricity, no running water, no medical or social interventions for people living with HIV/AIDS, a dangerous local gang and NO CHURCH nearby.
Gabriel Fabule, a YWAM Muizenberg outreach staff member went along with 3 other volunteers for open air evangelism and door-to-door visits. Soon, a small house church of 12 was formed, called Green Park Faith Mission. More YWAM Muizenberg missionaries and outreach teams joined and supported the growing ministry, and when another fellowship began outside of Green Park, the ministry was renamed Living Spring Faith Ministries (LSFM).
With the motto of “Reconcile, Rebuild, Restore!” Living Spring Faith Ministries was registered in South Africa in 2003 as an African-based NPO [with township residents and international missionaries as board members] to plant churches and establish community development projects in poor and rural townships. LSFM has since continued to grow.